Who Else Wants To Own This Amazing Video Course That Teaches You To Open New Doorways Into Reality And
- Step Into Anyone And Know Their True Intentions
- Shift The Thoughts Of Others Without Saying A Word
- Remotely Program Others Dreams
- Pre-Influence Events And Circumstances In Your Favor
- Immediately Manifest Who You Need For Your Love Life, Companionship or Career
- Create A Glamour Of Irresistible Attractiveness
- Master The Seven Basic Skills For Profoundly Powerful Mental Influence
- Influence Your Own "Higher Self" To Turn Your Wimpy Daydreams Into Super-Charged, Power-Packed Rapidly Manifested Realities
- Do Real, Effective, Verifiable, World, "Magick" And Get What You Hope For, Want and Desire!!!
Dear Speed Seduction Friend And Fan Who Wants To Get The Most Out Of His Life (Or Whomever Else With An Open Mind Reading This Message!)
Would you like to enjoy incredible power and influence with the most important, special, people in your life
lovers, co-workers, business -people friends
and have them happily give you what you want without your having to say a word? Would you like to silently draw to you and powerfully influence whomever you need for your love life, dream career, business or other needs, and smile to yourself at the effortless way in which who and what you want just seems to "flow to you"...while your friends try in vain to figure out your "good luck"? Would you like to be able to psychically someone...without even having to utter a word?
If you have answered "yes" to any of these questions, then this could be the most important message you have ever read.
Here is why: after 14 years researching the best in the self-help and human potential fields (with certificates in NLP, Hypnosis and Silva Mind Control), and 3 1/2 very intense years of research in the world of psychic influence and magick, I've distilled the very, workable best from around the world, plus innovations of my own to bring you the only, real-world, verifiable, intelligent system of "magick" and "mental" influence that exists in the world today.
In the very same way I've taken and used ONLY what works, in the real world, with Speed Seduction, I've done the very same precise, powerful synthesis and creation when it comes to the otherwise stupidity and superstition-riddled world of magick and psychic influence. And in so doing, I've
No, it does NOT take "psychic ability". In fact, I think the very notion of certain people being "psychic" is one of the dumbest ideas in the world. Even more so, as you study with me in this Workshop, you'll rapidly learn and come to see that functioning and communicating on a "psychic" or "magickal" level has NOTHING to do with individual ability, and everything to do with the way the universe just naturally works, anyway. (In fact, we are all naturally connected on these levels, anyway. We simply have to learn to design the right states of mind to
Powerfully Tap Into And Use It!
As you think through your own life experiences or the experience that those around you have related, you can see this is a powerful statement. Almost everyone has had some of these experiences, accidentally, from time to time, or talked to someone who has.
But just as Speed Seduction takes attraction from a woman out of the realm of "accident" and into the realm of something YOU create and control, so too, does my new method teach you to..
.Enjoy The Benefits Of Tapping Into And Utilizing At Will A Deeper Level Of Influence, Power And Connection
That Most Folks Will Only Touch On By Accident!
Does that seem like an outrageous, even boastful claim? Well, please keep reading even if you are skeptical
.because frankly
.I Used To Think Almost All This Psychic/Magick/Powers of Mind Stuff Was Complete And Total BS!
That's right, knowing your good old Guru of Speed Seduction, I'm sure you can agree and realize that I am about as far from a sloppy-thinking, tree-hugging, "New Ager" as you can get. I dont' believe in saving whales. . I don't believe in sloppy thinking, ponderous, archaic rituals, and drawing magick symbols on the ground. I don't own a crystal ball, a Quiji board or a magick wand, and you wouldn't catch me dead at a sweat lodge. And as for eating sprouts or tofu
..Give Me A Juicy Blood Red Steak Any Day Of The Week!
Now, I don't mean to offend you if you're into any of the things I've described. What I'm trying to say here, is I believe in substance, not symbol. I believe in results, not ritual . And just like I've thrown away all of the traditions of "dating" that keep men trapped, lonely and begging for female company to come up with the powerful tools of Speed Seduction®, I've come up with an equally powerful model that throws away all the stupidity, all the dumb beliefs and useless steps and makes the power of remote/silent influence available and useable
.immediately, right now,
to all!
In the words of one student who took a version of this training I offered in the Bahamas
"I have been aware of and playing with psychic influence for 15 years. You present a model, which matches and validates my experiences in an astounding way. You explain this model in a clearer way than I have even been able to imagine myself articulating it until now. You are doing for psychic influence what Jose Silva did for hypnosis and meditation."
Andrew Harrington
Framingham, MA
Now, I don't know how YOU would imagine enjoying these abilities .I don't know if you could picture getting virtually anyone you wanted in a crowed party, audition, hiring situation, or event that requires judging to see you and ONLY you, and to see you as the most attractive, desirable, magnetic person that they need for themselves, right now. . I don't know if you could visualize your life after you've learned to empower your wimpy, wispy daydreams into super-charged deliver on demand blueprints for the universe. And I certainly couldn't imagine the profound sense of connection and power you'd enjoy with people wherever you go, in every walk of life.
Maybe you can't imagine using these skills to get your dream career, find your ideal lover/lovers, make more money, enjoy more real world fun, draw to you only the people YOU would love to be with and make your life a non-stop celebration. Maybe you wouldnt use them to experience how truly good, deep connections feel
connections much more genuine and profound than those that come through words
connections that can so nourish and enliven us in what can be such a disconnected/ fast paced world. Perhaps you would never use these skills to enhance your ability to instantly tell who is real and draw only these genuine people to your side, and imagine the benefits of being able to do that.
But something inside tells me you could!
How I Discovered The Seven Basic Skills That Make Silent Psychic Influence Of Others And Your Own "Higher Self" A Profound and Measurably Reality!
Like, I said in the beginning of this message, I spent years studying different systems of "magick" "wishcraft" and psychic/remote influence including the best of Western Chaos Magick, Hindu/Tantric teaching, Hawaiian Huna(which is VERY powerful) and a host of other random, scattered systems. I took tons of MOSTLY worthless Workshops and slogged through more garbage books than I care to or possibly can relate. And, at best, through lots of trial and error, I had gotten things to where they were ALMOST working.
But it seemed no matter how hard I tried, it seemed like something always was missing. Sure
I got some interesting "near hits", but nothing I could really measurably say, "it's real!"
A Friend Helps Me Find The Missing Pieces!
But one day in my search, I'm taking a psychic training course with a friend of mine. And I was NOT getting any results with the particular "remote viewing/influencing" exercise we were doing.
Anyway, my buddy accidentally gave me the key. He walks up to me
.grabs my arms
FORCES them into position and says, "MOVE your arms, dummy! GET YOUR PHYSICAL BODY INTO THE PROCESS!"
Wham! It was like something clicked "on" inside, and I suddenly realized that properly incorporating posture, breathing, movement and micromovent of the body and were the missing keys that every "system" of magick, mental influence or "psychic ability" had left out!
In fact, I later learned, there are a total of seven basic "sub-skills" you must master in order to powerfully influence others at a distance. Trying to do this without all seven is like trying to light a fire, without oxygen; you might get a few sparks, but NOTHING EVER IGNITES! Use all these elements, together, and you get a roaring-bon fire of mental/remote influence, power and ability you can powerfully use to make your dreams come true!
(By the way now, if in the past, you've gotten little or nowhere with psychic or magick systems, or just think it's mostly bunk, YOU'RE RIGHT! Most every system not only leaves out at least TWO of these vital elements, but also adds in tons of stupid, archaic, useless junk that is about as productive as having three extra wheels on your automobile!)
Now, Enough Of The "Story" Of All This Came To Be. Let Me Tell You Just Some Of The Secrets You Will Learn In This Amazing 18 Hour Video Course That You Won't Find Anywhere Else!
- How To Pre-Influence Events And Circumstances In Your Favor-Why wait for that business meeting to start or for the evening of "meeting people" to begin, before you start getting results? Learn to reach out and "pre-influence" events energetically so they roll around in your favor as you wish them to! Get the leg up on the competition before THEY even step out the door!
- How To Step Into Almost Anyone And Know Their True Thoughts And Intentions-( What would that be worth finding out BEFORE you enter a potentially disastrous business deal, negotiation, relationship or even marriage?)
- How To Shift The Thoughts Of Others Without Saying A Word And Without Even Having To Be In Their Presence-This can be used to shift general emotional attitudes of others towards you and pre-dispose them to be more co-operative, friendly, seducible OR it can be used for more specific thought "guiding", as in seduction, business deals, promotions, hiring and similar areas of endeavor!
- Secrets Of Command Presence! How To Radiate Authority, Power And Silently Give The Message You Are A Person To Be Given Priority And Respect!!!
- How To Program Others To Dream What You Wish - Here it is, my fabulous "Dream VCR". Learn to influence others erotically AND OTHERWISE when they are dreaming and asleep! Married, single or somewhere in between, THINK OF THE POTENTIAL! This is the "stealth" technique that you can use to have people thinking the thoughts about you that you want and ENJOYING taking the actions you want them to take!
- Two Different Methods For Remotely Influencing Those In The Same Room Or Building As You(These methods are ideal for "line of sight" influencing of others, whereas the other methods I will teach you don't even require you to be in the same city!)
- How To Connect With And Influence Your Own Higher Self And Use The Energies Of Your Body And Breath To Turn Your Previously Wispy, Wimpy "Wanna-Be" Daydreams Into Supercharged, "DELIVER ON DEMAND" Blueprints!
Now, does it seem difficult to believe this is possible for you? Read on to see, word for word, the experience of some my initial round of students were lucky enough to be my first graduating "Psychic Influence Class"
Dear Ross,
One of the first things I did upon arriving home from the course was to take all of my psychic books, and throw them all in the garbage. Just ONE of the several principles that Ross taught filled in the missing gaps in all the psychic, remote influence, remote viewing information that I had ever encountered.
Did we learn a billion new techniques? No, just four that make all the difference in the world. I must say that Ross has a way of trimming out all the bullshit and ceremony. He boils down the skills to an easy to understand method of psychic influence without all the crystal balls, and B.S. trappings.
There is a preponderance of crap out there about psychic stuff
.hell, nearly ALL of it is crap . . . AND you won't find any crap in Ross' material.
What I found is something I've wanted for years training to be a REAL Jedi Knight. Not in the superficial sense of the mindless Star Wars fanatics, but in the sense of learning how to be a more extraordinary being and wield the extraordinary abilities that come with that.
Successfully Yours,
Walter Terry, Woodinville, WA
Your Workshop was one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life. An engineer by training, I have a strong attraction to concise, lucid ideas and explanations; I was impressed with the clarity of the models we were presented with. Imagine my surprise when I communicated with the unconscious; to learn how to program yourself up in such a way that the things you desire will naturally manifest themselves in your life If you want to change your life for the better, if you really really want to step into a new reality of infinite possibilities, do yourself a favor for once; Come to a Ross Jeffries Workshop! You will be pleasantly surprised.
Bryan White - Lookout Mountain TN
You have integrated concepts of psychic influence in a way that is believable and doable for the scientific skeptic. I have had very little psychic experience and feel this Workshop has opened up the unlimited possibilities to psychic influence over people and circumstances. Your model of psychic influence can work - I believe you have cut through the bullshit. The training has sped by like a runaway train.
John Janicke - Phoenix AZ
I have taken 20-25 other Workshops in the last ten years on various topics of a similar nature to this Workshop. .It is my well informed opinion that Ross Jeffries delivers far more useful information in a fun, easy to absorb environment than some of the worlds most famous, over-priced wimpy teachers who have no stake in my getting the info wired in. I have no reservations recommending all his products and Workshops and have in fact insisted that many of my friends and employees learn from the best of the best.
Bruce Nelkin - Scarsdale NY
(And once again, my favorite testimonial, that you've read once previously in this letter)
I have been aware of and playing with psychic influence for 15 years. You present a model, which matches and validates my experiences in an astounding way. You explain this model in a clearer way than I have even been able to imagine myself articulating it until now. You are doing for psychic influence what Jose Silva did for hypnosis and meditation.
Andrew Harrington
Framingham, MA
Listen: I realize that you, like me, might be a hard-core skeptic. You may have a model of the world that says this kind of thing is impossible. Well as one skeptic last year said after the training, "It's NOT that I was wrong and that you were right. You just had a different way of looking at things that I never even thought of!"
Hey..I promise you. There IS another way of looking at things and I've found it! It's a way I want to teach you One that you won't learn anywhere else. One that will leave those who DON'T have these skills eating the dust of those who do.
One Thing To Know Before You Call Yates At 580-366-5820 And Order Today!
This is NOT a Speed Seduction® course! Yes, I'm sure you can powerfully imagine using these techniques for seduction, if you so choose, but to me the exciting thing is to imagine using these powerful tools to influence and attract in EVERY area of your life.
Now You May Be Asking, "What's The Investment For This Kick-Ass Training On Video, Ross?"
` Well, as I think about the incredible usefulness and value of these tools, I can recognize they are virtually worth a fortune. But because I really want you to get in on this and enjoy the results of your video course, the investment is just $399.77, plus postage and handling. Amazing price for 10 - 2 hour videos, yes thats 20 hours from our two live Workshops in 2001.
But you know, it doesn't take any psychic ability to realize, you'll be so thrilled with these videos you won't be able to restrain the desire to go out and tell everyone you buy their own set right now!
Everyone Has Been Waiting For This
So Order Now To Insure Prompt Delivery!
Listen. People have been asking me to put out a video version of this course ever since I first starting teaching it about 3 years ago. That means folks from around the world who have been begging me create this product are going to go nutso and order as soon as they here about it, but as a loyal customer, I'm giving you the jump on them.
Remember, contrary to the old slogan, it is not the person with the most toys who wins. It's the person with the best technology and tools. In the same way Speed Seduction® is the best set of breakthrough technology and tools on the planet for women, this video course contains the best technology and tools for doing what other people have to settle for labeling impossible! So be one of the few who is on the cutting edge and who kicks butt living the life of your dreams! CALL YATES AT 580-366-5820 and order TODAY!
Ross Jeffries
Master Influencer
And Slave To Tabby
The Cat!
P.S. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. As a special signup/bonus gift call right now to sign up and receive, as my gift, a special 21 page interview I did with Mr. Joe Polish on the subject, " Building And Mastering The Mindset of the Entrepreneur. Learn to build a state of consciousness and think like a person who draws money like a magnet and avoid the three most common pitfalls and traps of the "creative" and highly intelligent mind. I think of this as meta-intelligence; the intelligent and productive management of intelligence and creativity and it's going to be one of my future fields of exploration, study and teaching! Order now, get this free bonus, and get in on the ground-floor in the next area I'll be exploring, teaching and perfecting!
Magick & Psychic Influence: 10 DVDs or 10 VHS tapes |
