Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

There is a new sherrif in town

Thursday, August 9th, 2012

A Different Way to Approach

Approaching a woman is for some guys that hardest step to take. There are different philosophies on how to do it. One way is to have a rehearsed line to start talking to the woman. This can be really good when starting out because if we have a lot of anxiety about going up to a woman, our brain “shuts” off and we become at a loss for words. Now, when doing a rehearsed line to talk to a woman it is sometimes harder to take the next step which is to begin a conversation. Why? Because your brain is still “shut” off.

So, how do we “open” up the brain and start a conversation? Easy, you become an observer of the situation and then proceed with a comment or question. Now, when this happens your brain has to start thinking and once the brain is thinking it becomes easier to think of other things to say other than your rehearsed line. Your energy naturally flows outward rather then inward which is what happens with the rehearsed line.

Another benefit to this approach is that is applicable in any situation. A rehearsed line may work in one situation but not in another. This also depends on your memorization skills and ability to “choose” the right one and to use it. Science and experience has shown it is much easier to use one of our most powerful resources…your brain.

The last thing to mention is this. There is a tainted energy of insincerity that can occur with the first approach. Telling a woman how attractive she is, is something she has probably either heard a million times if she is indeed beautiful or something she does not believe because she is not really attractive in the physically. She can and often does sense that your are lying or insincere or both. You are doomed immediately.

Now, if you approach any woman and make a comment or ask a question based on what you observe, then it is probably something she has not heard before and will think that you are more sincere and you will “stick” out from all the other guys. Of course, you will show her how unique you really are when you learn some of the other things we will teach you.

Have fun,


The Wisdom of Will Rogers

Sunday, July 1st, 2012

* Don’t squat with your spurs on.

* Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

* Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier ‘n puttin’ it back in.

* If you’re ridin’ ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it’s still there.

* If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around.

* After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him. The moral: When you’re full of bull, keep your mouth shut.

* Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.

* There’s two theories to arguin’ with a woman. Neither one works.

* If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.

* Never slap a man who’s chewin’ tobacco.

* It don’t take a genius to spot a goat in a flock of sheep.

* Always drink upstream from the herd.

* When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don’t be surprised if they learn their lesson.

* When you’re throwin’ your weight around, be ready to have it thrown around by somebody else.

* The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket.

* Never miss a good chance to shut up.

* There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.

It is amazing how much of his wisdom continuing even in the up coming election.

Gain REAL Power and Influence By Managing Conversations so they go where YOU want! Part II

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

Recently, you heard me talk about the challenges many students have had in learning the “Language” of SS. Many guys have had challenges in learning to “talk” in a way that uses all of the skills and tools that have been taught you in these newsletters, and in the products and seminars.

That can be a challenge, and we talked about a solution. But let me ask you this ….

What if the conversation is just BORING? What can you do then?

You know what it’s like to talk to someone for a while, and the conversation just seems to go NO WHERE. What do you do?

Or, worse yet, it goes in the wrong direction and becomes an argument, or somehow the topic shifts to something bad, or negative, or something that is not … at … all … interesting.

What can you do?

You need to learn how to Manage Conversations!

Think about it. Do you know anyone who is always fun to talk to? Someone who always seems to take ANY conversation and make it fun and interesting?

Or maybe you know people that ALWAYS seem to be able to take a conversation and move it EXACTLY WHERE THEY WANT IT TO GO?

Well, these people are naturally able to do what we call “Conversational Management”. This is the ability to move or direct conversations in a way that SERVES their purposes. That’s a great skill to have. Some people have it naturally.

Many people have WISHED they could get such a skill, but there really has been no way for anyone to LEARN how to do this.

Until now.

You have heard Dave Riker mentioned many times. That’s the guy that has a real skill in taking complex processes, and things that many people do naturally, and breaking these down teaching them to students. He has done this in seminars for years.

His earlier product, “Dave Riker’s Speed Seduction Technical Manual”, (which you can read about at took many of the concepts of Speed Seduction and organized and taught them in a very structured, well-thought-out manner. It was a BIG hit with students who really wanted that “linear” approach to their teaching and learning.

Well, Dave has done it again by taking this process of Conversational Management, and breaking THAT down into a set of skills that YOU can learn. He REALLY took a lot of time to figure out what process was taking place when people were able to do this naturally. He then organized this into a specific set of steps and skills, and teaches these one by one as part of his latest product. What product?

Dave Riker’s Speed Seduction Language and Conversation Course!

In an earlier newsletter from me, you already heard me praise this course. I talked about how it teaches you to learn the “Language” of SS. Well, it DOES do that. AND after you have THOSE skills, it THEN teaches you how to Manage Conversations, so you can be able to take the conversation into the right places to USE that language!

I could go on and on about this course. The feedback from students so far has been AWESOME. The best way to read about it, and HEAR about it, is to go
Not only does he describe the course but he has TWO sound links on there where you can hear MANY more details than I can get into in this blog.

Gain REAL Power and Influence with your Language in almost ANY Situation (Part 1)

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

I’m writing to you to tell you about something that has been in the works for quite some time now.

Are you really interested in being able to use the language tools that are a part of Speed Seduction®? Would you like to know the language skills so well that they really become a part of you, and become the way you speak easily and naturally?

First, let me back up a bit. Those of you who have attended a seminar or bought product know that we have been providing help and assistance for quite a while. We have a bunch of products that can and do help many guys too. We have also been involved seminars for years? For over 15 years we have been in many parts of the US, Canada, and the UK, exposing guys the skills of Seduction, Influence and Persuasion.

Participating in seminars and working with students directly is a real eye-opening experience. You get to see the REAL problems and REAL challenges that many students face.

One thing that has always been interesting to watch, is the reaction when someone gets in front of the room and just start to “talk”. For many students, you can see the looks on their faces, and they are almost STUNNED; not just by the content of what is said and taught, but THE WAY THEY ARE ABLE TO SPEAK.

When some of our instructors talk (like Dave Riker), he is able to take all of the language tools, skills, and constructs, and use them naturally. He can just “talk” in a certain manner. You can hear him use all of those bits and pieces of language that have been talked about, and taught, for years. However, in a seminar you get to hear it live, and see us just “do it”.

The interesting thing about this is that it has become apparent over the years that this ability to “talk this way” is a SKILL. It’s something that the really successful guys are able to do. It’s something that many of us can do. It’s something the instructors can do. It’s something we have always wanted our students to be able to do.

However, what we have noticed is that many students have had a REAL challenge with this.

You see, here is the problem. “Talking” is a natural thing for many of us. You just say what you need to say. The words, phrases, sentences, etc. all just “happen”. It’s so natural; it’s something that you learned to do when you were very young.

When teaching these new skills, many new ways of thinking about and using language are taught. Many examples of what to say, how to say it, how to make things sound, etc are given. Many guys have studied this, and studied it more, and listened to us talk about it, and even spent a lot of time memorizing it …. But can they DO IT? Can they just “talk this way” in the real world?

Sadly, it seems that many guys can’t.

It’s something that became more obvious as time goes on. You will see a student who has studied these subjects for years. He “knows” it well – he can talk about these subjects, and even describe the languaging that needs to be used in certain situations.

However, when he is there, IN A SITUTAION WHERE HE NEEDS TO USE IT … he cannot find the words.


Because to him this “new way of talking” is not how HE talks. Instead of this new “language” being a PART of him, it’s “something he read about”.

So even if he DOES try to use it, he has a real challenge. Instead of just talking and speaking in a way that feels normal for him, instead he “tries to remember” what to do.

Think about it. When you talk to your friends and family – you just TALK. It’s easy.

But are you the sort of guy that has tried to use SS and persuasive language, and when you TRY to do it, you keep thinking “what am I SUPPOSED to say?” (or maybe thought of the perfect things to say, but only AFTER the chance to say it has passed?)

That’s difficult. That’s very hard to do. That why sometimes too, when guys “try to use this stuff” they sound unnatural, because instead of talking, they are saying “what they think they should say”.

Quite a challenge, huh?

Well, we have a solution for this.

If you have been to one of our seminars, you probably have heard the name or met Dave Riker. Dave originally started out as a student. But as time when by, he became a valuable part of the SS training team. He has taught at seminars everywhere.

Dave has been helpful in many ways, but a great skill he has is an ability to take complex subjects and skills, break them down piece-by-piece, and organize them. PLUS, he has a REAL skill in TEACHING things in that way, so that the guys that like a structured, organized way of learning new skills, really GET IT.

Dave has done this in seminars for years, but two years ago he turned his attention to solving this “language” problem I was talking about earlier.

Dave’s approach to this challenge was to take many of the major language components of SS, influence and persuasion in general, and really “break them down” into their parts. And THEN, most importantly, TEACH them to students in that fashion in an actual LANGUAGE COURSE.

Riker’s approach to this was to consider SS as really a new language and a whole new way of speaking. He figured that to really get guys to talk fluently in this manner, what was needed was a course that taught guys how to understand, learn, and USE THIS LANGUAGE.

Well, it took him over 2 years to do it, but Riker has finally come out with his Speed Seduction Language and Conversation Course. (Yes, MORE than two years, and I bugged him to get it done sooner, but he is SUCH a perfectionist, it really DID take him that long!) Some of you may remember, Straightforward had it in the Spring 2005 Catalog and on We were embarrassed. We it was well worth the wait.

Dave Riker’s Speed Seduction Language and Conversation Course!

In this course, Riker really takes the time to break down many of the parts of the SS language. He explains each, gives a lot of examples of what they are and how to use them, and then comes up with real exercises and assignments for each!

Yes, you read that right – real assignments, real things for you to do, so that you really DO learn the skills, and KNOW them so that they become skills that YOU HAVE and that you ARE ABLE TO USE IN THE REAL WORLD.

Plus, the way Riker teaches this, this is not just about SS but about MUCH more. He teaches it so that these skills can be used almost ANY TIME in ANY situation. Whether it is at work, with friends, or when talking to that interesting person you just met … and want to get to know better.

So, if you are the kind of guy who has always wanted to be able to REALLY use persuasive language in the real world, and be able to just “talk” in that special way, then this course is something you should look into.

Dave Riker’s Speed Seduction Language and Conversation Course!

I could write more, but go check out Dave’s web page, He has a lot of info there about the course, and even some audio files that you can listen to that describe it (one is 45 minutes long!).

Plus, for you guys that really like workbooks, structure, and organization, TRUST ME, you will love Dave’s approach to creating a product. He has a great, well-organized workbook that comes along with the product too. There are places for you to make notes for your exercise and assignments, “cheat sheet” versions (summaries) of the concepts he describes, etc. This really IS a very well-polished and professional piece of work. For you guys that like that sort of “structure” to your materials, you will really get a lot out of what Dave has done.

More in Part II in a couple of Days.

Numbers and Communication

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

Numbers and Communication
Numbers resonate with the mind in a greater way than you might imagine. In the movie “What The Bleep Do We Know” they refer to the processing capacity of the brain. It processes over 4,000,000,000 bits of information per second, yes that is FOUR BILLION PER SECOND. You are AWARE of only 2,000. Which do you want working for you consciously? What you be the effect on you if you were aware of significantly more that 2,000? Could you train your subconscious to process even more and make you aware of the result?
In your resume, which I recommend you change the name to background, put in more numbers. The amazing part is that it does not even make any difference what kind of numbers they are. It does not have to be GREAT accomplishments. I supervised 10 people supporting a $6,000,000 budget.
In listening, begin to be aware of this and choose which numbers to question. The President recently said that oil production had gone up on his watch. He used numbers to illustrate the point. He was telling the TRUTH and LYING at the same time. Oil production on federally controlled acreage has gone DOWN however oil production on acreage not controlled by his administration has gone UP. The net total of UP and DOWN was positive and was the overall premise he wanted to take credit for in my opinion.
Shortly after that he said his administration could do nothing about gas prices because it was already drilling on 75 % of the available land. Again telling the TRUTH and LYING at the same time. He did not define LAND or AVAILABLE. His numbers did not include anything on or in WATER nor did his numbers include any of the LAND his administration has made UNAVAILABLE. The normal mind is drawn to the numbers.
So my guess is that 90% of the people who read this will get it immediately and less that 5% will look on and of those who do look intently, 51% of them will find something they feel compelled to purchase and 100% of them will be delighted.

Uniqueness in Communication

Monday, May 7th, 2012

One of the exercises I do in seminars is creating the perception of uniqueness. I have every participant get up and “INTRODUCE” themselves to the others. However, they may only say their name, where they are from and “one short single statement” that will cause the other people in the room to remember them. The audience then votes, YES or NO. They keep going until everyone gets a majority YES.

Hi I’m James from Canterbury and I’m and accountant is a NO.

Hi – My name is John and I sell Mary Kay and I’m not wearing any underwear is a YES.

Gain REAL Power and Influence with your Language in almost ANY Situation (Part 1)

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

I’m writing to you to tell you about something that has been in the works for quite some time now.

Are you really interested in being able to use the language tools that are a part of Speed Seduction®? Would you like to know the language skills so well that they really become a part of you, and become the way you speak easily and naturally?

First, let me back up a bit. Those of you who have attended a seminar or bought product know that we have been providing help and assistance for quite a while. We have a bunch of products that can and do help many guys too. We have also been involved seminars for years? For over 15 years we have been in many parts of the US, Canada, and the UK, exposing guys the skills of Seduction, Influence and Persuasion.

Participating in seminars and working with students directly is a real eye-opening experience. You get to see the REAL problems and REAL challenges that many students face.

One thing that has always been interesting to watch, is the reaction when someone gets in front of the room and just start to “talk”. For many students, you can see the looks on their faces, and they are almost STUNNED; not just by the content of what is said and taught, but THE WAY THEY ARE ABLE TO SPEAK.

When some of our instructors talk (like Dave Riker), he is able to take all of the language tools, skills, and constructs, and use them naturally. He can just “talk” in a certain manner. You can hear him use all of those bits and pieces of language that have been talked about, and taught, for years. However, in a seminar you get to hear it live, and see us just “do it”.

The interesting thing about this is that it has become apparent over the years that this ability to “talk this way” is a SKILL. It’s something that the really successful guys are able to do. It’s something that many of us can do. It’s something the instructors can do. It’s something we have always wanted our students to be able to do.

However, what we have noticed is that many students have had a REAL challenge with this.

You see, here is the problem. “Talking” is a natural thing for many of us. You just say what you need to say. The words, phrases, sentences, etc. all just “happen”. It’s so natural; it’s something that you learned to do when you were very young.

When teaching these new skills, many new ways of thinking about and using language are taught. Many examples of what to say, how to say it, how to make things sound, etc are given. Many guys have studied this, and studied it more, and listened to us talk about it, and even spent a lot of time memorizing it …. But can they DO IT? Can they just “talk this way” in the real world?

Sadly, it seems that many guys can’t.

It’s something that became more obvious as time goes on. You will see a student who has studied these subjects for years. He “knows” it well – he can talk about these subjects, and even describe the languaging that needs to be used in certain situations.

However, when he is there, IN A SITUTAION WHERE HE NEEDS TO USE IT … he cannot find the words.


Because to him this “new way of talking” is not how HE talks. Instead of this new “language” being a PART of him, it’s “something he read about”.

So even if he DOES try to use it, he has a real challenge. Instead of just talking and speaking in a way that feels normal for him, instead he “tries to remember” what to do.

Think about it. When you talk to your friends and family – you just TALK. It’s easy.

But are you the sort of guy that has tried to use SS and persuasive language, and when you TRY to do it, you keep thinking “what am I SUPPOSED to say?” (or maybe thought of the perfect things to say, but only AFTER the chance to say it has passed?)

That’s difficult. That’s very hard to do. That why sometimes too, when guys “try to use this stuff” they sound unnatural, because instead of talking, they are saying “what they think they should say”.

Quite a challenge, huh?

Well, we have a solution for this.

If you have been to one of our seminars, you probably have heard the name or met Dave Riker. Dave originally started out as a student. But as time when by, he became a valuable part of the SS training team. He has taught at seminars everywhere.

Dave has been helpful in many ways, but a great skill he has is an ability to take complex subjects and skills, break them down piece-by-piece, and organize them. PLUS, he has a REAL skill in TEACHING things in that way, so that the guys that like a structured, organized way of learning new skills, really GET IT.

Dave has done this in seminars for years, but two years ago he turned his attention to solving this “language” problem I was talking about earlier.

Dave’s approach to this challenge was to take many of the major language components of SS, influence and persuasion in general, and really “break them down” into their parts. And THEN, most importantly, TEACH them to students in that fashion in an actual LANGUAGE COURSE.

Riker’s approach to this was to consider SS as really a new language and a whole new way of speaking. He figured that to really get guys to talk fluently in this manner, what was needed was a course that taught guys how to understand, learn, and USE THIS LANGUAGE.

Well, it took him over 2 years to do it, but Riker has finally come out with his Speed Seduction Language and Conversation Course. (Yes, MORE than two years, and I bugged him to get it done sooner, but he is SUCH a perfectionist, it really DID take him that long!) Some of you may remember, Straightforward had it in the Spring 2005 Catalog and on We were embarrassed. We it was well worth the wait.

Dave Riker’s Speed Seduction Language and Conversation Course!

In this course, Riker really takes the time to break down many of the parts of the SS language. He explains each, gives a lot of examples of what they are and how to use them, and then comes up with real exercises and assignments for each!

Yes, you read that right – real assignments, real things for you to do, so that you really DO learn the skills, and KNOW them so that they become skills that YOU HAVE and that you ARE ABLE TO USE IN THE REAL WORLD.

Plus, the way Riker teaches this, this is not just about SS but about MUCH more. He teaches it so that these skills can be used almost ANY TIME in ANY situation. Whether it is at work, with friends, or when talking to that interesting person you just met … and want to get to know better.

So, if you are the kind of guy who has always wanted to be able to REALLY use persuasive language in the real world, and be able to just “talk” in that special way, then this course is something you should look into.

Dave Riker’s Speed Seduction Language and Conversation Course!

I could write more, but go check out Dave’s web page, He has a lot of info there about the course, and even some audio files that you can listen to that describe it (one is 45 minutes long!).

Plus, for you guys that really like workbooks, structure, and organization, TRUST ME, you will love Dave’s approach to creating a product. He has a great, well-organized workbook that comes along with the product too. There are places for you to make notes for your exercise and assignments, “cheat sheet” versions (summaries) of the concepts he describes, etc. This really IS a very well-polished and professional piece of work. For you guys that like that sort of “structure” to your materials, you will really get a lot out of what Dave has done.

I am not going to let any man steal my heart.

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

You really have to put this one into context.

Has this happened before, ask.

So, are you telling me that you have been emotional hurt in a relationship or are you telling me that you grew up with this cold cold outlook on life and you have never been in a relationship except of course those in which you did not let the man steal your heart.

I just asking based on what I have heard people say. My friend said it is like playing with fire, it can be a god send or it can burn you severly.

So what happened.

Shut up and listen

Time is Precious

Sunday, April 22nd, 2012

And she said, “Time is precious. I don’t do anything for free.”

Hold on now guys, she just told you everything you need to know about her.

Your first choice to make is whether you want to play with her or just let it go.

OR of course you can start negotiating price.

My style is to make a joke out of it and let her know you are not BUYING.

Hold out your hand and say “So is mine so you can pay me for my time you are wasting now.”

More She Said

Thursday, April 19th, 2012

She Said, “I am not looking for anything serious, I am in a relationship”

Neither am I, when do you want to get together tonight